During the three weeks that Lost Lake was closed following a fire at our sister restaurant Thank You, our team has been embraced and lifted up by our community of fellow bartenders, bar owners, chefs, restaurants, brands, ambassadors, brewers, distillers, cocktail lovers and beloved regulars. We have been shown what true hospitality feels like. The thanks we have is immeasurable, and each gesture — every message of kind words, every generous offer of help, every kindness shown to our displaced staff members — means more to these Lost Lakers than you all can know.
Thank you to the friends and bars that hosted our Lost Lake bar team for pop-ups: Bar DeVille, Broken Shaker, OSB at Longman & Eagle, Sportsman’s Club, and Thunderbird in Indianapolis. Brad Bolt, Elad Zvi, Gabe Orta, Graham Heubach, Jeff Donahue, Jeff Wilson, Jessica Chasin, Josh Gonzalez, Meghan Konecny, Phil Columbo, Phil Olsen, Scotty LoBianco, and Wade McElroy — you immediately reached out to us, knowing that our tipped employees needed venues in which they could keep generating tips, and offered us your bars and your support. We felt the embrace of true hospitality.
Thank you to the companies that donated products to our pop-ups: 86 Company, Appleton Rums, Angel’s Envy Bourbon, Angostura Rums, Atlantico Rums, Aviation Gin, BC Merchants, Beam Suntory, Bond & Royal, Campari USA, Del Maguey, Diageo USA, Haus Alpenz, Heaven Hill, House of Agricole, Letherbee Distillers, Lustau Sherry, Mariano’s, Marz Community Brewing, Off Color Brewing, Parce Rum, Pierre Ferrand, Plantation Rums, Tenzing, Tromba Tequila, and Zacapa Rum.
Thank you to the brand representatives, distributor folks, brewers, and distillers that coordinated donations: Alex Straus at Cornerstone, Amanda Puck at Mariano’s, Ben Jones at House of Agricole, Brent Engel at Letherbee, Brooke Arthur at Aviation Gin, Chiyo Takemoto at Winebow, Chris Tabor at Heaven Hill, Christophe Bakunas at Cream Wine + Spirits, Clayton Bradford at Off Color Brewing, Colby Turner at BC Merchants, Dejorn Huffman at Tenzing, Elizabeth Mickiewicz at House of Angostura, Kelsey Grandi at Angel’s Envy, Israel Fernandez of Zacapa Rum, Jake Parrot at Haus Alpenz, Jesse Maguire Bolt at Bond & Royal, Jessica Lambert at Lustau Sherry, Jim Powers at Parce Rum, Jimmy Sherry at Tromba Tequila, Kiowa Bryan at House of Agricole, Liz Pierce at Atlantico Rum, Lynnette Marrero at Zacapa Rum, Matt Obermark at Beam Suntory, Meghan Hurtuk at Del Maguey, Monique Huston at Winebow, Paul Sauter at Diageo, Rebecca Muscella at Campari USA, Sharon Bronstein at 86 Company, Tiki Diablo, Tim Lange at Marz Community Brewing, Victor Bouvier at Pierre Ferrand + Plantation Rums, and Uby Khawaja. The quick responses, flexibility, and generosity shown to our team allowed us to successfully execute five pop-ups in almost as many days, serving menus created with products we proudly pour at Lost Lake. We have always valued our relationships with you, but our gratitude is immeasurable now.
Thank you to our neighbors who offered shifts and kept our Lost Lakers working while we were closed: Billy Sunday, Cherry Circle Room, Fat Rice, Game Room, Moneygun, OSB at Longman & Eagle, Parson’s Chicken & Fish, Pub Royale, Queen Mary, The Drifter, and Yusho. You kept our displaced staff busy, productive, supported, and paid — not to mention gave them the opportunity to keep their skills sharpened and learn new service techniques. Those shifts even kept one Lost Laker’s wedding plans from being derailed!
Thank to the friends and bars that raised money for the Lost Lake tipped and hourly employees who lost shifts or had their pay disrupted: Ace Hotel in Los Angeles, Bar Institute Baltimore, Brittany Leach, Brittany Olsen, Chris Day, Civil Liberties in Toronto, Dan Sabo, Donna Cocktail Club in Brooklyn, Elyse Blechman, EP/LP in Los Angeles, Eveleigh in Los Angeles, Evelyn Chick, General Lee’s in Los Angeles, Herbs & Rye in Las Vegas, Jake Varta, Jess Slevin, Justin Elliot, Karen Grill, Kinson Lau, Lindsey Johnson, Lush Life Productions, Madelyn Kay, Maura McGuigan, Nikolai Kennedy, Robin Goodfellow, Sarah Parniak, Shane Mulvany, Spare Room in Hollywood, The Townsend in Austin, Travis Tober, and Yael Vengroff. The funds you raised and the support you showed allowed life for our team to continue with as little disruption as possible.
Thank you to the bars and friends that offered to have us in for pop-ups: Antique Taco, Anne Owen at Owen + Alchemy, Brian Peterson at Chop Shop + 1st Ward, Cesar Diaz at Odd Birds, Clint Rogers at The Dawson, Charlie Schott at Parson’s, Colleen Healy at Watershed, Chris Pappas at The Winchester, Christanna DeLucca at Clark Street Ale House, Eden Laurin at Violet Hour, Ezra Star at Drink, Hank Prendergast + Robby Haynes at Analogue, Jade Tulak at Lula Cafe, Jeremy Johnson at Meta, Josh Mazza at Seamstress, Kate Gerwin, Kristin Wolfel at The Charleston, Matt Eisler at Heisler Hospitality, Matty Eggleston at Nico, Nigel Ridgeway at Son of a Butcher, Owen Thompson, Pam Wiznitzer at Seamstress, Pat Lutz at Imperial Lamian, Peter Vestinos at Sparrow, Priscilla Young at Travelle, Ran Duan, Roger Landes at MFK, Scott Worsham at mfk, Steva Casey at The Saturn Room, and Sujal Patel at Hungry Brain. Knowing that Lost Lake belongs to a community that includes business owners, bartenders, and chefs like you is inspiring.
Thank you to everyone who made donations. Every penny went directly to our staff and helped keep their lights + phones on, and quite literally fed a few families: 28 HKS, A Reel Cook, Aaron Martinson, Aaron Polsky, Aaron Post, Aaron Supianoski, Adam Kolesar, Adam Stemmler, Adrienne Miller, Alex Barbatsis, Alex Bonner, Alex Gregg, Alex Kratena, Alex Negranza, Alex Straus, Alicia Walton, Allie Kim, Allison Lancaster, Alyse Martinez, Amanda Carto, Amanda Maida, Amanda Watson, Amy Waddill, Andreas Pejovic, Andrew Grenz, Angus Winchester, Ann Tuennerman, Anne Marineau, Anthony Bohlinger, Anthony Selna, Antoine Nixon, April Makar, Ash Kane, Austin Foster, Autumn Giltner, AZ Bitters Lab, Ben Chappell, Blake Coleman, Boris Volkov, Brege Shinn, Brett Esler, Brian Fisher, Brian Stewart, Brit Schulte, Brittany Ashley, Brooke Arthur, Caitlin Davis, Caitlin Pfeiffer, Cameron Shaw, Cari Hah, Carley Dunavant, Carlos Cuarta, Caroline Roe, Chad George, Chelsea Thomas, Cheri Jones, Chris Burque, Chris Fierro, Chris Hannah, Chris Manis, Chris Sinclair, Christie “Tiki Kiliki” White, Christine Whiteley, Christopher Ciesiel, Christopher Ward, Chuck Rivera, Claire Bertin-Lang, Clark Miller, Conor Hall, Crystal Chasse, Curt Carrillo, Curtis Ruptash, Damn Roseberry, Dan Sabo, Daniel de Oliveira, Daniel Djang, Daniel Firestone, Daniel Spomer, Darci Detorie, Dave Andrews, Dave Flynn, David Martinez, David Michalowski, David Montgomery, David Wondrich, Debbi Peek, Demi Natoli, “Dennis Rodman,” Dexter Wallis, Diane Mulligan, Dick Doody, Dirty Sue, Dom John, Drew Garison, Drew Record, Dutch DeVries, Elisa Farrell, Elliot Clark, Elyse Smith, Eric Seed, Eric Witz, Ezra Star, Firehouse Lounge, Frank Nosalek, Fred Comes, Freddie Joseph, Freddie Sarkis, Freddy Schwenk, Frederico Hernandez, Gina & John Fossitt, Ginger Parker, Greg Burnett, Gwendolyn Goetz, Hal Brock, Hal Jordan, Hannah Burque, Herman Newby, Hermon Mehari, Hillary & Gui Jaroschy, Houston Eaves, Humuhumu Trott, Ingrid Rodriguez, Ivy Mix, J.D., Jabriel Donohue, Jacyara Oliveira, James Caronna, Jeff & Kat Cleveland, Jeff Seymour, Jen Clark, Jen Marshall, Jenn Tosatto, Jennifer Stockert, Jerald O’Kennard, Jeramy Campbell, Jess Kenne, Jesse Ross, Jesse Vida, Jim Romdall, Joe Borgese, John Cox, Josh Gates, Josh Ibanez, Josh Miller, Joshua Martinez, Joy Herrin, Julie Figueras, Justin Anderson, Juyoung Kang, Kam Mataraci, Karl Holbert, Karlo Pentic, Kate Gerwin, Kate Kelly, Katie Astrauskas, Katie Urcioli and Matt Bauder, Kelley Morgan, Kelly Galassi, Kelly Wooldridge, Kevin Bragg, Khrys Maxwell, Kim Rossell, Kimberly Patton-Bragg, Kristian Piedra, Kurt Rogers, Lacy Hawkins, Larry Rice, Laura Fahrner, Laura Lynch, Lauren Mote, Leah Schoenburg, Lee Edwards, Lei Low, Lei Patrick, Leonardo Leuci, Leslie Cofresi, Leslie Maxwell, Lindsay Rae, Lisa Korpan, Lisa Pugliese, Lisa White, Luis Nunez, Maggie Meskey, Marievic Parra, Marlene Cross, Martin Cate, Mary Palac, Matt DeVriendt, Mavenhall, Max Goldberg, Mea Leech, Meg Bell, Megan Cross, Meghan Keever, Melissa Watson, Michael Banker, Michael Gebert, Michael Page, Michael Zielinski, Michaud Raymond, Michelle Hoff, Michelle Szot, Mixwell, Mohammad Babaki, Molly Marcucci and Timmy Watson, Mony Bunni, Myle Worrell, Navid Naylor, Nayelli Jimenez, Nick Britsky, Nick Rossi, Nick Settle, Nicole & John Manion, Nicole La Rae, Pam Wiznitzer, Pamela J Stalings, Patrick Halloran, Paul Johnsen, Peter Johnson, Peter Klein, Peter Lloyd Jones, Phil Mauro, Philippe Andre, Phillip Smith, Pito Rodriquez, Ramon & Shannon Romo, Randy Elskamp, Rebecca Monday, Ren Brown, Rhachel Shaw, Ria Soler, Rich Bailey, Richard Oneslager, Rob Christopher, Robert Smith, Robin Nance, Ross Simon, Ryan Brown, Ryan Hall, Sam Lyden, Sara Gelbert, Sara Hollabaugh, Sarah Alokones, Sarah Mark, Scott & Susan Kelly, Scott Koehl, Sean Saunders, Shane & Shaleen Mulvany, Shannon Currin, Shanya Polowczak, Shari Dodd, Shaun Traxler, Shel Bourdon, Simon Ford, Sly Augustin, Sole Agent, St John Frizell, Stanzi Harris, Stefan Huebner, Steva Casy, Steve & Reece Raney, Steve G, Steve Schneider, Steven Liles, Stuart Jensen, Tamara Rose, Tashia Nobles, Ted Tamburo, Teresa Aguilera, Terry Williams, Tess Sawyer, The Hukilau, Tim Bradstreet, Tim Miner, Tim Walters, Timothy Watson, Tin Roof, Tina Ross, Todd Francis, Todd Richman, Travis Tidwell, Trey Jenkins, Two Tone Tiki, Ty Caudle, Tyler McPheeters, USBG Orlando, Velia Cox, Whiteblackred, Wilks & Wilson, Zachary Snyder, Zoe Hayes, Zulcoralis Rodriguez, and the numerous anonymous donors.
Very special thanks goes to Kiowa Bryan. Your support has been more impactful than you can imagine.
And last, but most definitely not least, thank you to the Chicago Fire Department. Thank you for putting out a fire that would have been much worse had you not arrived so quickly, and thank you for keeping everyone safe. Lost Lake loves you and is eternally grateful.